no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Monday, December 17, 2012

getting back on the blogging wagon!

It's time to update this blog... I've been blogging this year but I've just been keeping track of my life, my medical life, over on my other blog... but with this 19 days Christmas Break I'm hoping to update this blog on some of the fun stuff we did this year...

We celebrated Jason turning 30!!!

We're still DINKS {Double Income No Kids}

I passed my ProCert {and burned my drafts!!!}

Started believing in ourselves.

This, and more!!!Now to debate if I go and backdate them all or go from here...decisions, decisions!

1 comment:

  1. Just go from there! You're so organized back dating...I always just add as I go, many months behind haha! Glad you're back and blogging. You might motivate me to do the same!
