no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

keep holding on... the Kleenex!

Now that we have all of our wonderful wedding picture's is wedding story time! And do we have a few hysterical ones!

Just before walking down the isle with my Dad he was saying some very sweet things and definitely started the tears going! I definitely had some tears streaming down my face...they were happy tears, but they were there! Thankfully I had waterproof mascara on :)

As we were standing at the front of the isle my Mom asked me if I needed a Kleenex to which the obvious reply was yes. Well, thankfully she had stuffed a few into her sleeve of her jacket :) She was prepared and resourceful (she didn't have a purse).

Just shedding some happy tears right at the beginning of the ceremony!

Now, I did have some voice cracking and some tears during our vows but by the time it got to the rings part of it...I think I had gotten over it. But...I still had the Kleenex! I stood up there that whole time (well, all 9 minutes of it) trying not to drop the Kleenex. I kept thinking over and over and over again...DON'T DROP THE KLEENEX! Though that would have been funny in hind sight..

Notice how my right hand is curled up...holding Kleenex. Then, I had to do a switch-a-roo because now I needed my right hand to put Jason's ring on!
If you look closely at my left hand in the picture you can totally see the white Kleenex!

It was pretty funny. Jason thankfully had taken note during the ceremony at some point about the Kleenex so he knew it was there...just at the time...we could not communicate about how to get it out of my hand into his pocket without it being a distraction to the ceremony!

All in all the ceremony went smoothly. It was more "religious" than we wanted/asked for BUT in the end, we are married and that is what really matters!

We had one person turning their cell phone off (good) at the start of the ceremony (bad). They also happened to be sitting right up front directly in front of me, so they definitely got a mini death glare.

I also broke my tapper after we were done lighting in the unity candle, I jammed it back into the candle stick holder too hard...whoops! Really, I was trying to make sure it wouldn't tip over and catch anything on fire, and itstead I broke it! Broken is definietly better than fire, if I had to choose one! Good thing I didn't break the big one.

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