no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

sunday snapshot...

I know I have an hour until Sunday but I couldn't help myself. One fine lady that I know, Reagan, does something called "Friday Foto" on her blog in which she takes images from MSNBC's "A Week in Pictures" and puts a few of her favorites for the week up. I'm going to "borrow" her idea and make a little twist in that, it it my new goal to post a picture or two every Sunday that I take a liking too. MSNBC also has so many other cool photo albums such as: animals, space, get the picture!

Martian illusion

This image taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows an optical illusion. What appear to be trees rising from the Martian surface are actually dark streaks of collapsed material running down sand dunes due to carbon dioxide frost evaporation. The image, taken April 7, 2008, was released Jan. 11.

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