no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Friday, October 8, 2010

dinner menu week one - update...

Well it is Friday night and the dinner planning went "okay". Well, not really. But we'll call it okay for good measure.

We did make it successfully Monday - Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday fell a bit short.

Major problem, the last ground beef we had for meatballs (Wednesday) had a hole in it so we didn't use it. So Wednesday after both working pretty long days we ventured out for!

Thursday I improvised and instead of having beef tacos we had turkey tacos because we had ground turkey in the freezer, they tasted a bit different (to me, not Jason - which he suggested might mean my opinion was all mental) but were still good. I suppose we could have done that with meatballs but the thought didn't occur to me that night...alas!

Friday, well, Friday happened. I was out and about all day visiting Megan & Lizzy, shopping for cake decorating supplies and getting a massage. Rough, I know. Jason worked from 4:30am - 6:00pm. Pizza it was. Tomorrow we are off to WINCO & COSTCO to load up for the rest of the month...

*I did take a picture of Monday's meal but that was the only the time dinner was done on Tuesday and Thursday I was too hungry ;-) Maybe next week...

**I am really writing all this down to attempt to hold myself accountable as well as take suggestions from anyone as to how they do their dinner with two people in the family working :) Feel free to share!!!

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