no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmases 4 & 5...and NYE '11

We had Christmases 4 & 5 with Jason's family up in Auburn.

At the start of the trip I headed over to my favorite Aunt of Jason's to do some scrapbooking!!

One of the things that Jason enjoys most is taking his Grandma out to breakfast or dinner or something, to get her out of the house. She does not drive, she actually never has, and so whenever we go up there we try to get her out. This year we went to 13 Coins which is our favorite place to go near Auburn. She really seemed to enjoy herself and we enjyoed her company. She has a lot to say and doesn't always get to say it with Jason's busy family around...

That evening we saw some of our favorite little people for the first time in 13 months...which is WWAAYY too long considering they live2 hours North of us. It is tough thought when the visiting only happens near their house and they never come to see us.

We saw Jason's Dad at some point in there, actually, we also went out to 13 Coins with him. He's the one who introduced us to it!

We spent NYE with our friends Josh and Adam & Katie. It was very lowkey but that was totally okay with us. We played an awesome games called Whits & Wagers and just talked. It was so nice. These are Jason's best friends from high school and I consider Katie a friend and we certainly don't see them often enough!


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