no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

just a hop, skip, and a jump...

Picture this. It is Friday. I have had a hellacious week. On said Friday I got directly from school to get a massage and chiroparactic adjustment. After which I am feeling very good. Some of my friends from work are at happy hour at a place called Puffin Cafe  on the river. It is a sunny evening. I got to happy hour, get a beer, joke with good friends...etc. etc. On my way home I call Robyn because I was "it" in our game of phone tag from that week :) I pull up to my house and go to check the mail...

Keep in mind I am doing this while on the phone and trying to concentrate on what Robyn is saying and not dropping the mail. I quickly glace through the mail and see this...

I am literally flooded with emotion. I basically forget that Robyn is on the phone with me (sorry Robyn) and scream JASON!!! Who pokes his head out of the house and says "Is it the check?" To which I respond "YES!!!" and start to hop, skip, jump, frolic, run across the street. I most certainly did NOT take time to look for oncoming traffic...thankfully there was none. Then I get confused...

There are 2 letters to each of us. At some point (keep in mind I am still on the phone) I thought I saw Jason's name on both letters and was disappointed because I thought they were duplicate copies of his drivers licence. ( much emotions equals not enough thinking). I get into the house and am ripping open the letters, trying to read them, while talk to Robyn - poor Robyn...she should have just hung up on me.

I am reading the letter and getting even more confused. At one point I remember thinking maybe I did the paperwork wrong and this is a letter telling me I have to do it all again. Then I thought maybe the royally messed up and sent us two checks!!! and remember having a mini conversation in my head about if it would be required to return one of them...

Though the two letters really threw me off...thank you federal government.

So by now you may be wondering what this lovely letter said...

Yes, I added some color to help you see what I find most humerous about the letter, the IRS would not waste money on colored ink - just money on send two letters to first time home buyers stating that our money will be here within 2 weeks :)

The purple smilie face lets you know I am VERY happy that this is not a $8,000 bill.
The red is hilarious because while they sent you two letters, they wanted to make it clear you'd only be getting one refund :(
The green is just funny because I haven't even seen the money and already they've taken $1 away from me...
And the yellow is the all important deadline. 2 weeks. Sweet!!!

And incase you're worried about this getting stolen out of our mail box...our mail box locks. And poor Robyn, I did eventually get off the phone with her. Thankfully she understands me and my ways and just rolled with it. I love having best friends like that!!!

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