no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

sunday snapshot...

smiles :)

so cute!

Light rails

Trains make their way in and out of Victoria Station in London, England, on March 28. Britain has seen labor tension with rail unions and British Airways cabin crews, keeping travelers guessing as to possible strikes.

The top 2 I "borrowed" from Reagan. I have NO idea how she gets hers to look "normal" so Reagan...I know you read this...PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE leave me a comment to tell me how you get yours to look like they do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, girl-

    I swear I commented on an earlier post to help you out- I wouldn't leave you hanging!

    Anyway, I take screenshots of the screen (Press Ctrl or Alt and the Print Screen key, usually somewhere in the upper right of your keyboard). After the screenshot is saved, I used to edit the images in Paint, but now I use Picasa, which you can Google and download.

    Hope that made sense- lemme know if you have any questions! And don't hesitate- I had to ask a friend to explain everything to me, too!
