no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sprinkles Cupcakes {Scottsdale edition}...

I love Srinkles Cupcakes. They are tasty, gorgeous, and pretty elusive. See, Sprinkles are only in a handful of states, Central Cali being the closest one to me. I've been lucky enough to get to go to one two times this year...first in April in Chicago and then on my trip this summer to Phoenix!!

Not only did I get to go there two times...but I actually got some FREE cupcakes!! Most everyday Sprinkles puts up these secret words on their facebook page and when you go whisper the word at a Sprinkles you get free cupcakes!! On the 2/3 time I was there on my Phoenix trip we got 2 free Key Lime cupcakes because as we were standing there they said the words "sweet advisory" and we {Rachel and I} got two free Key Lime cupcakes!! The morning that we left we stopped at Sprinkles on the way to the airport. We got a few cupcakes to take home, tried a few {it was 9am...don't judge} and as we were able to leave I checked facebook one more time and saw that if we went and whispered "seeing is believing" we {Mom, Amy, Rachel, myself} would each get a free salty carmel! We definitely went back and in got those cupcakes!!!

I really do love Sprinkles Cupcakes. I hope we get one in Portland soon. I'd even take one in Seattle ;-)

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