no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas - Part Two and Three...

Christmas Part Two and Three include the same rowdy group of people ;-) Jason, myself, my parents, and my brother. Part two was at my parents house on Christmas Eve complete with traditional meat fondue, baked potatoes and Christmas Crackers. We got to open one present, the rest are being made to wait until Tony's fiance Kellie can join us. I opened my Cricut which I was totally excited about until I got home, realized it had been very used, and had to wait until Sunday to return...but none-the-less it is currently working fabulously :) I'm sad to say I didn't take any pictures of this, though my Mom did, so I'll update with pictures when I can.

Christmas part three was at our house! We decided since we are having 6 different celebration days, yes, 6...that we would do something a bit different for dinner. This year we decided to make a Shepard's Pie that my fabulous friend Robyn had posted on her blog and we had actually made a week or so ago as a trial run. It was delicious and easy!!! We just used ground beef but you could certainly used cubed beef, lamb, turkey, anything really. This is one of those meals that can be adjusted to taste and I have a feel this is only the beginning of our Shepard's Pie creations!! We also had green bean casserole (my fav) and "corn mush" which a less-class way of saying Chevy's Corn Casserole (my Dad's fav). The green bean casserole is a requirement and the corn has turned into an Eeds Family Christmas tradition!

Christmas Morning. Jason got up 'early' to turn on the fire and tree! Aw :-)

Merry Christmas!

A new Annie tradition. I get a teddy bear poking out of my stocking!!
Our table is set for Christmas Dinner!

We played a little bit of the Nintendo Wii, talked to some family on the phone, and played a few rounds of Scatergories - which is one of my favorite games!!

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