no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

enrichment day...

On Thursday, January 28th the kiddos and staff at Baller (my place of work) participated in a fun day called Enrichment Day. The community members and staff members come together to "enrich" the children and teach them new things. I was ambicious this year and taugh...CUPCAKE DECORATING!!! It was SO fun! I had 3 session with a total of 29 kids. They got to decorate 3 cupcakes at school and take them home. Though, I was nice and let them decorate a mini cupcake to eat in class!

First they made a cupcake where they traced the letter of their name then piped frosting over it and used sprinkles! Next was the monster cupcake. If they got to the third one it was 'draw and design'.

Please try to ignore some of the 'astericks' faces. Many of these kids I didn't know and don't feel comfortable putting their faces on my blog. Enjoy as much as you can! They were so cute and so excited. My favorite (and theirs) was decorating Monster Cupcakes!!!

getting my classroom ready...we practiced everything before we actually decorated. time killer and tear adverter :)

Grandma Norma (she volunteers in my classroom 4 days a week) and my WONDEFUL para Carol helping the kids get their monster cupcake supplies!

teaching...apron and all!

3rd graders masterpieces!

a 1st grader loving her life :)

I'd say that is a pretty close representation!

All in all it was a fun day at work for all involved. And know that I know how it is going to go...much year we'll be able to get more kids in the classes!!!

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