no one was ever blinded by looking at the brighter side of things...

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I forgot one of the most interesting parts of my trip to the beach. I was there Thursday - Saturday which meant I was there when the earthquake in Chile hit the world. I actually heard about it through Facebook by people's status updates and thanks to my snazzy iPhone was able to read about it right away. Some people in my group had no idea what had happened. So we are sitting at our conference eating breakfast on Saturday morning and tsnumai sirens start going Washington from the quake in Chile. Since Chile is on the same "coastline" as Washington there of course was hubub about a tsunami coming for us...

Nothing ever happened that anyone could see. We did leave at 12noon but that only because our conference was over...not because we didn't want to stay. We were just too tierd to stay around to see if anything happened. I have some friends from work who did go to the Oregon Coast to see what they could see...and saw nothing.

The earth is definitely shifting...2 major earthquakes in 2 months time...

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